Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: 18/10/2023

ZuberFit Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction
a. By using ZuberFit.co.uk and engaging in my personal training services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
b. You're entering a contract with me, your Personal Trainer, operating under the business name ZuberFit.
2. Coach
I'm a qualified Personal Trainer under the name ZuberFit, committed to continuous learning.
3. Coach’s Obligations
I design safe exercise programs tailored to you. Results aren't guaranteed, and individual progress varies.
4. Your Obligations
Commitment, punctuality, and health disclosures are crucial. You assume exercise risks.
5. Payment
Payment is required before your Initial Assessment.
6. Cancellation and Refunds
24 hours' notice is needed for cancellations. Missed sessions can be rescheduled.
7. Lateness Policy
Sessions can't be extended due to lateness.
8. Health and Safety
I hold first aid certification and public liability insurance.
9. Liability
I'm not liable for unforeseen events, loss, or injuries not caused by gross negligence.
10. Intellectual Property
Materials provided remain my property and are for personal use only.
11. General
In case of my unavailability, you can transfer sessions or request a refund.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact me at zubercoach@gmail.com or

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